I have had a busy two weeks, and, am sad to say, not even a picture to post. I attended a seminar last week with Cindy, one of my co-workers. We had a great time, as we turned it into a mini-vacation. We decided to take a day off and head out early so we could cover a few shopping malls. The seminar was in Phoenix. The first day went perfect, made all our stops, didn't get lost, and we were back at the hotel by about eight. The second day we started on our venture to the shopping malls, with a stop at the Elephant Bar for lunch. Cindy mapped all this out for us, so we started our trip with about a ream of paper. Well, not to my surprise, the first thing we do is veer off course to the bead shop. She assured me it opened at nine. WRONG! Ten. Now we will be late for our first mall. She graciously offers to continue on to the mall, and skip the bead store, but hey, we're sitting right in front of it and it's 9:50 A.M. I graciously suggest we run in for about twenty minutes, which naturally turns into forty. No problem, we are on our way. The directions tell us to go towards Southern. How the heck are we supposed to know where Southern is! Nice directions, I say. She runs back into the bead shop and the girl tells her it is easier to get on 101 East and take Rural Road. Well, after about three u-turns, because we only see 101 West, and no East we decide to take 101 West. Well, lo and behold, the girl meant West! So we finally make it to our first mall. Have to drive around that a few times to find the entrance. It is one wierd mall! Get through that pretty efficiently, I must say, and we head out to Elephant Bar. Well, I'm not sure where Cindy got the address for this Elephant Bar, it was non-existent. We get to where it is suppose to be, and it is basically a vacant field in the middle of nowhere. Notorious for her sense of humor, Cindy says, "If they can put an Elephant Bar here, they can put one in Kingman!" Well, guess what, there wasn't one there! After several more u-turns (did I mention we went down a main street for 30 miles to get to this point?) I told Cindy, come on, there has to have been a freeway we could have gotten on. Anyway, we decide to forego the Elephant Bar, and just try to find the mall. Well, we continue on, find the mall after several more u-turns because our wonderful directions told us to go west off the offramp. Nope, we should have gone east! About now, I'm thinking Cindy should invest in a GPS system. Well, you won't believe this, but here sits the Elephant Bar, right across from the mall!!! We are still trying to find out where Cindy got that other address. Not bad, we are only two hours behind schedule. We had planned on being back to the hotel about 4 and watching all the other Mohave County folks check in. Well, we got back at 9:30!! Everyone was in bed!!! Thursday was our seminar, and we had a great time. Went to the casino with about five other girls, and had a blast listening to the band. The girls were all over the dance floor!!! Got home Friday and met up with John who had spent the week in San Diego. We went to Happy Hour Friday night for a little R&R and some time together. Yeah, we missed each other!

Yeah, I got a picture! Thanks, Jer

Jerry thinks he's a comedian!!!

Voodoo Lounge Rooftop
Tuesday (9-11) we left for Vegas to celebrate JR's birthday. Janet and Jerry, our friends from Mohave Valley, met us there (they stayed at Wynns) and we had a fabulous dinner at Buzios, went to the Voodoo Lounge, which is on the top of the Rio, and had a drink, then headed over to Wynns to see their water show. Jan had been wanting to catch this water show since their last visit, as they only caught the end of it last time. Guess what? They didn't catch the end, they caught the whole show, it is about five minutes long. We had a good laugh over that. We headed back to our hotel about one. The next day JR and I ran errands, and then had an early dinner at King's Fish House, as Linda and Larry were generous enough to give us gift cards for our birthdays. It was a delicious meal and we enjoyed it immensely. However, I ordered a lemon drop martini. When it came I tasted it and it was the worst lemon drop I have ever had. I figured they would know how to make it since it was advertised on their drink menu. JR suggested I send it back, but I said no, I would just drink it. Well, that was before I discovered it had a salted rim, not sugared. I said that's it, back it goes. I told JR I would not order another drink because I am always scared they will spit in it or something! Well the manager came over and apologized profusely and kept insisting I have another. Finally, I asked if the salted rim was the only mistake and he said yes. I said no thank you then, because, to be honest, the drink itself tasted like a bad margarita martini. He said how about something else, so I settled for a milky way martini, as I figured the bartender couldn't screw that up. It's basically all booze - vanilla vodka, kahula, and baileys. It was very good and I can only hope if he spit in it the alcohol killed the germs! We gambled a little at Green Valley and then headed back to the Rio. We found a nice little bar and had a couple of lemon drops, which the bartender made using our recipe. She liked them so much she said she is going to use that recipe from now on. Did I mention lemon drop martinis cost $15 at the Rio? Yep, but JR said I'm worth it! OK, he may have been a little tipsy, but that works for me. We then gambled at the bar, where JR managed to down about four shots of Patron in a relatively short time. This worked great for me, because he gets much more generous, and I was losing! He then ordered me a lemon drop martini there, and the guy made a pretty good one. JR said that one cost $200. See the more he drinks, the more valuable I get! We had a fantastic night, you know, one of those nights, where everything is funny. We hated to see it end, but end it did at 1 A.M. Hey, that's pretty good for us, we're old! Today, Costco, and home! So, as you can see, I've been a busy little bee. But, I must say I have had a great two weeks! Fun, Fun, Fun. Until later,
Ciao Baby!
P.S. I got great news this week..........my niece is pregnant! Congratulations, Megan and Tim! Did I mention they have a one year old? This should keep them on their feet, but if they get another one like Ryan, it'll be a piece of cake!