Sunday, September 23, 2007


Wow, I can't think of one interesting thing to say, as we have done absolutely nothing this past week and weekend. We were supposed to go to Zach's soccer game; however, it turned windy and rainy so we decided to skip it. Travis said the field was very muddy, and all the kids wanted to do was play in it. He didn't have too successful of a coaching week this week, but, hey, they're just kids. Like I told him, it's basically just a play date at this age. John is presently watching the Charger game, which means he is screaming and hollering at every wrong move they make. Unbelievable! (and very annoying).

Zach got his progress report and got all check-plus, and checks, which is very good. He seems to have adjusted to school quite well. He will be turning 6 on October 4th. Time flies!! Baby #2 is due in another couple of months, and we are looking forward to that!!!

I've gone back to healthy eating and have dropped about 3 pounds, but would really like to lose about 10-15. Have to get ready for our trip to Aruba next May.

Next weekend John and I are scheduled to play in a slot tournament. I hope we win!!! There is a $5,000 jackpot and a $2,000 jackpot.

Other than that, nothing new. Until next time,

Ciao Baby!


Rachel said...

I was still entertained by your "nothingness!" Thanks for posting about it!

Linda said...

Oh, poor Rachel, you must be very bored, but you are very welcome!!! Glad to know someone is reading it!

bobby said...

So...2 questions:

How exactly does a "slot tournament" work?

How exactly do you practice your lever pulling to do well in something like that? (I'm assuming it involves slot machines.)

Linda said...

Well, Bobby, it's pretty much a no brainer on the slot portion of the tournament, except you have to be fast. They set a timer on the machine for 15 minutes and you just keep hitting the spin button and hope you finish with a high score. Now, the video poker portion you have to be fast and THINK fast. Once again, they set the timmer for 15 minutes and you just play the poker hands. The luck is in getting a royal, so you can score high. If they pay a lot of places I usually can pick up a little money, but I've never played in Laughlin before, so I have to see how theirs operate. The key thing is you have to be tired hands.....and believe me, they do get tired. Even if you get good spins, but you're slow, people who are fast can beat you out because they get in more spins!

One more haven't "pulled levers" on slot machines in forever!!!! That's very, very old-fashioned!

Love ya!