Man, where does the time go? I was driving to work on Zach's birthday, thinking about the day he was born. It is always kind of bitter sweet because I always remember my parents coming up to surprise all of us. I remember my mom saying she wasn't going to miss her great-grandson's entrance into the world. I was so surprised when they called to tell me they were at the hospital. We all had such a great time, and I am so thankful for that wonderful memory. It hardly seems like it was six years ago, yet when I look at Zach I can't believe how big he has gotten! He is so full of energy and enthusiasm for life......I just love it, but the kid does wear you out!
We started the weekend out bright and early at Zach's 9 A.M. soccer game. Mind you, we have to be there at's like another workday, but a lot more fun. The game was great this weekend. Zach scored three goals. It is so fun to watch the kids, it is 40 minutes of laughter! After the game we did a little grocery shopping and then headed home to watch videos.
Sunday was Zach's birthday party at Peter Piper Pizza. Wow, talk about noisy. He had a great time, as you can see below. We enjoyed it too, watching Zach with all his little friends. I think he is going to be our outgoing one. He never meets a stranger!

Yes, after the birthday party, we met our friends, Jan and Jer, for happy hour, and then went over to the Tropicana to listen to the band. They were really good, but it is soooooooo hard staying awake through their breaks. We managed to make it unitil 1:00 A.M. I decided I should drive home since John drank more (no big surprise) and longer (again, no big surprise) than me. However, my night blindness hasn't improved with age. I kept my fingers crossed all the way up the hill. Thankfully, there was no traffic! You'd have to be buzzed to endure a ride up the hill with me at midnight!!!
Today, we did, ummmmmmmmmmmmm..........nothing. A lot of rest, a little exercise, and a few chores pushed over to next weekend!!!
Quail season opens on Saturday, so Hunter John is heading out early to try to get his quota of quail. I'm glad we don't have to depend on him for dinner! And, Donna, just a heads up..........................I will probably have nothing to blog next weekend, as I plan on doing absolutely nothing. Until next time......
Ciao Baby!
Well then blog about doing nothing, you'll have all day to do it. Ain't Zach such a handsome lad. You can't get much cuter than that, Ryan and Caleb are right on his heels the two cutest babies ever born.
Beautifuul dirty feets
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