Sunday, November 4, 2007


It's been a busy two weeks. John's brother and cousin came up with their wives last weekend and we had a blast! Donny brought his rhino and his son's golf cart. Us girls managed to get about a half hours worth of riding time in on the rhino, which was more than enough! They all got in on Friday and we just kicked back at the house. Ate a lot and drank a little. JR made us a delicious dinner.....tamales (I bought those), chili colorado, beans and rice. A real Mexican feast!!!
The next morning the guys got up and took the rhino and golf cart out for a drive. When they got back, JR did his usual, made a fantastic breakfast!!!

After breakfast, the girls took command of the rhino and had ourselves an enjoyable ride around Golden Valley. It was a lot of fun, but very dusty. Susie did a great job of driving!!!
We made it home, safe and sound, and a little weather beaten. The guys somehow managed to find us and came in last!!!

The guys continued to ride the toys the rest of the day, and into the evening. The girls headed down to Laughlin for a little relaxation. The guys finally showed up at 7:00. I had an enjoyable visit with my sister-in-law at the Gourmet Room! Sunday we went to Grannys for the champagne brunch (lots of delicious seafood such as lobster, crab, oysters, shrimp, etc.) We all spent Sunday night in Laughlin gambling and dancing! It was a late night and how that group left on Monday is beyond me! I'm sure glad we only had a 20 minute ride up the hill! I took Tuesday off so I could recuperate, and I'm sure glad I did!
This weekend was a little more relaxing. We went to Zach's soccer game on Saturday, and got home around 10:30 that night. Yeah, you guessed it, a few stops, ending up at the Gourmet Room (unplanned, I swear!). We have come to know several of the locals down there and we had a wonderful time chatting with them. Today.....back to my exercising......I think I have about two pounds to work off. Also have bills to pay, accounts to log, etc. Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooring!
Next weekend I am bachloretting it. John and JJ head to Spokane for a Stanford football game. It should be a nice trip as one of John's best friends lives there and they plan to meet up with him and his wife. Me.......I am having my boyfriend over and we are going to Parrrrrrrrrta'!!! You guessed it........that would be Zach! Annnnnnnnnnd, in about four weeks (November 29th, as it stands now) we will be welcoming our granddaughter, Zoey Olivia Early, into the world! I am getting soooooooooooooooooooo excited!!!! Until later,
Ciao Baby!

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