This is the cause of my love/hate relationship. Yes, meet "Mac" who is driving me crazy. I now see why he is named after a male.....he stubbornly insists his way is right! Mac came into my life on Monday, and I have devoted every possible waking moment to him. He has changed my life as I knew and loved it. Mac refuses to negotiate. He has forced me into his circle of friends. I have met more people than I ever want to know at apple support (and I use the term loosely) and Frontiernet (my ISP). I can only say that I am glad I did not pay the extra $170 for one full of year of support from apple, because if it is the same as their 90 day support, it would be a rip off. It usually takes over one hour to get to a tech, that's after you go through two people up front. One takes your name and serial number, the next tries to insist on reading the support system instructions to solve your problem. Well, guess what? I can go to their website and read the same thing, I don't need them to "look in their database" which means the same as going to the apple support page and reading to me what I have just read. Anyway, after my hour wait I finally met Mike. He was kind enough to stay on the phone with me for one hour, but never solved my problem. I finally solved it myself this weekend. Now I am actually loving Mac, but I wish he came with an instruction book, and not an online one either. So, having no other choice I purchased a MAC OS-X operating manual, as shown below. Now, I just need to find time to read it.
My only other source of information is this:
Now, I must ask, which would you choose? Just kidding, Bobby! Actually my nephew has been quite helpful, but he is hard to get hold of. Mac has this great feature, he'll let other people remote into your computer and "drive" it. That's what Bobby did for me yesterday.
Another great feature is iChat. I am loving it. I get to see my sister, Bobby, Rachel, and Caleb. It is really cool, and works quite well.
The only problem with Mac is that he builds his relationships slowly. He insist I learn things on my own, and believe me, it has totally been by trial and error. I try to take one thing at a time. Today's lesson was downloading pics from my camera. I even created some cool slideshows.
All in all, I think Mac and I will have a lasting relationship if he learns to bend a little. I have put more effort into this relationship than any other relationship in my life (just kidding!!) Like any male, Mac just needs to learn to appreciate what he has, ME! He doesn't realize he can't do anything without me, but not to worry, I will convince him of that real soon. He may have the upper hand for now, but things are going to be changing.
Funny thing, the whole reason I bought Mac is because my sister gave me an iPod for Xmas (do you ever wonder why apple starts everything with an "i" in front of it?) I think it's because "i" represents me in the relationship. So I guess my other new friend will be "pod." Now, I must admit Pod ingratiated herself with me much faster, as she takes commands well. How do I know Pod is a she? I just know. Pod and I have become fast friends, learning each others idiosyncrasies at a much faster rate than Mac and I. I think perhaps Mac is a bit jealous! Anyway, back to the subject, because of Pod I had to purchase Mac. Poor Pod didn't work on my outdated PC. Was it worth it? Well, I will keep you updated!!!
Below I'm going to put some pics of the grandkids, as requested by my best friend, Tricia.

OK, now this is typing everything on center, as I seem to be stuck in the picture frame, but, I DON'T CARE....DEAL WITH IT!
Anyway aren't they ALL cute??
Until later,
Ciao Baby!