Saturday, June 30, 2007

Los Lobos Concert....A Trip Down Memory Lane

Yep, that's where we were last night. The Los Lobos Concert at the Avi Casino.
We started the evening off meeting our good firends, Jan and Jerry, at the Saltgrass for drinks and munchies. From there we went to the Gourment Room for their Happy Hour. Then off to the Los Lobos Concert. John saw that this group was going to be playing in Laughlin and wanted to go see them because he says he used to see them play in San Diego, as he puts it, during his "clubbing" days. Well, I enjoyed the concert; however, I had no expectations since I was not familiar with their music. John, on the other hand, was a little disappointed. He was anxious to see them because they were supposed to have an awesome "horn" section, as he recalls. Well, that was not to be. One guy did play the trombone, but you could hardly hear it over the guitars. John and I haven't quite figured out these seems that all you can ever hear is loud, screeching music, and you can never hear the singer or the words over all the guitars. Maybe they just have bad acoustics at the "concert arenas" (and I use the term loosely) here. All in all, they put on a decent show and had people up and dancing in the aisles. This probably just goes to show........sometimes it's better not to screw with your memories!!! After the concert we met up with Jan and Jerry again for a little while. Actually, Jerry saw a portion of the concert, as it appears you could walk right in. They never even collected the tickets at the door..............if I'd only known!!! Later, John and I went back to The Riverside to gamble. It was a good night, we both ended up a bit ahead!!! And, then these party animals left for home at 1:30 A.M. All in all, it was an enjoyable night. Tonight.......I think we are off to see the fireworks in Laughlin!
How was your Friday night?
Ciao, Baby

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

True Confession

OK, I confess, these blogs are hard to keep up when you don't have a life!!!! I have done absolutely nothing the last two days but work, exercise, read everyone else's blogs, and go to bed!!!! I have no cute videos (like Rachel), no noteworthy quotes (like Bobby), no exciting news (like nobody), no painful memories (like Megan's workouts), and I already wrote about my exciting weekend (like Traci). I am more like Tim........I am blogless!!! I just finished watching the Paris Hilton interview on Larry King. I have to admit she didn't appear to be the airhead I thought she was. In fact, I only intended to watch a couple of minutes, but got drawn into the interview since she seemed on the up and up. My opinion, she didn't deserve the punishment. It was a bit drastic. I've heard of people who have committed much worse crimes and never done a day in jail. I'm really not so sure about our justice system. Am I glad we have one, yes. Do I think it is always fair, NO! So much happens in life that relies on personalities, instead of fact. That's right, I truly believe people stereotype other people and treat them accordingly, and, yes, I think it happens often throughout all walks of life. I've seen it so often in life......especially in the workplace........what you get depends on how well you are liked, and by who. But, I guess that is life, and we all learn to deal with it in our own way. See what happens when you don't have a become a philosopher.

Back to the Paris Hilton thing..........way too much tv coverage, and so many more important things happening in the world. It was unbelievable to me that the media thinks this is all people want to see, and no matter what channel you tune to, you see the same video loop over, and over, and over again. How many times can you see her walk out of jail??? That is one reason I was not going to watch her much more Paris can this world take! What's your opinion?

Ciao Baby!

Monday, June 25, 2007

For Women Only

OK, Tim wants me to blog daily, so this is for all the women out there. Today, as I was getting ready for work, I realized that I had an appointment for the dreaded yearly "squish." Yes, mammogram time!!! So, off I go, feeling like I was on my way to a torture chamber. But, alas, everything went swimmingly well, got in and out in record time, and it wasn't even as painful as last year. I must have gotten a better Nurse Rachet than last time!!! So, all you ladies out there, remember to schedule your mammograms!!!!

Most of you aren't aware, but I had a very good friend here at the County that died of breast cancer when she was forty, leaving behind a 14 daughter. She had all her mammograms, ate right, and exercised. I miss her dearly, as she and I went to lunch together everyday. No matter what I wanted to do, or where I wanted to go, she was onboard. She passed away in May of 2003. Her experience has often made me wonder if it's even worth getting a mammogram since it didn't seem to help her. I question if they really work, yet I'm afraid not to get mine done. I guess I will continue to do so, until my insurance stops paying for it!!!

Tidbit Number Two: Today they had a blood drive at work. I have tried for the past two years to be a donor, but they say my veins are too small and they can't get the needle in. That makes me furious......I gave blood before when I was younger, and never had a problem. Do your veins get smaller as you get older??? They keep sending emails saying they are really low on blood and need donors, yet here I sit, with all this exceptional blood (after all it is my blood, almost like blue blood!) flowing through my veins, and nobody to give it to!!! Bummer.

Well, thus ends my medical blog and preaching. But one last time..........Remember to get your mammos and give blood if you are able!!!

Ciao, Baby!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Shrek and the Grand Canyon Caverns

Let's see, Friday we picked Zach up and started our adventure with Shrek 3. It was pretty good, not as good as the first, but still watchable. I love the Shrek movies. Oh yeah, Zach liked it too. However, he really would like to see Transformers, but feels he is too young (who told him that?). I told him it would probably be fine, I mean heck it was a preview at this movie, and they only showed previews for kids. After Shrek we went to Sams to get ribs for dinner, although Zach would have preferred that we have dinner at Baskin Robbins. He is also obsessed with Leslies, the new pool store that has opened in his neighborhood......why? Because he saw toys in it, who cares if he has a pool! Anyway, when we got home John and I were ready for a little down time, not Zach. So we ate, played outside, took a bath, and finally wound down about eight. He and I started to watch the movie Cars, which I have been dying to see, but we couldn't make it past nine, so I still have a ways to go on that movie.
Saturday, field trip!!! Off we go to the Grand Canyon Caverns. We made it thirty minutes before Zach decided he was hungry. First stop, McDonald's for two Happy Meals, one for Zach and one for John. Then we get to the caverns. Zach had a great time on the tour. Me, I found the paths somewhat steeper than I remember from when we took Taylor. Wonder how steep they'll feel with the next grandkid? Anyway we took an hour tour and I would have had some awesome pics if my camera battery hadn't died! Boy Scout Rule Number One....always be prepared! After the tour, Zach panned for gems, he got some great ROCKS! About three hours later start home......Zach's hungry, but insists he can wait until we get to McDonald's AGAIN! I must confess I decided to partake this time and had a hot fudge sundae. Um, Um, good. Get Zach home at five...go over to Avi and buy tickets for Los Lobos who will be performing there next Friday....went to Gourmet Room and had a wonderful bowl of mussels in garlic butter. Nothing like filling the old body up with fat!!! Donated our money to the Riverside and by the time we got home we were dead on our feet. I think we're too old to be grandparents!!!
Now my helpful bloggers, here are the problems I encounterd with this blog, please help if you can:
1. I can't move my pics where I want them. They will not drag and I cannot cut and paste. Help, please. Do I need to change a setting somewhere?
2. Donna suggested I use a different blogging site, one for dummies. It is called or something like that. Maybe I will check it out, but hey, I got this far so I can't be that stupid, can I? No answer required.
3. When I previewed my blog and then went back to it, it had thrown in a bunch of extra returns.
4. When I post my blog there are no returns......urgh!!!
This blogging is too time consuming. I need to go skate and treadmill. I quit for tonight, and will wait for your help.
Ciao, Baby!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

My first blog

Ha, I thought I would try to blog and give the kids a run for their money. Now I just have to figure out how this thing works and get a life. So far, I have tried to change the font, that didn't work. I tried to change the size, that didn't work. Why do they have those options, when they don't work????

Well, let's see. Tomorrow we are getting Zach and taking him to see Shrek 3. Then, on Saturday, we are going to the Grand Canyon Caverns. I think Zach will love that!!!

Wow, my life is pretty boring cuz that's about all I have to say. However, as you know, I am never at a loss for words, so as soon as I figure this out, I will bore you with my deepest thoughts!!!

Ciao, Baby