Monday, June 25, 2007

For Women Only

OK, Tim wants me to blog daily, so this is for all the women out there. Today, as I was getting ready for work, I realized that I had an appointment for the dreaded yearly "squish." Yes, mammogram time!!! So, off I go, feeling like I was on my way to a torture chamber. But, alas, everything went swimmingly well, got in and out in record time, and it wasn't even as painful as last year. I must have gotten a better Nurse Rachet than last time!!! So, all you ladies out there, remember to schedule your mammograms!!!!

Most of you aren't aware, but I had a very good friend here at the County that died of breast cancer when she was forty, leaving behind a 14 daughter. She had all her mammograms, ate right, and exercised. I miss her dearly, as she and I went to lunch together everyday. No matter what I wanted to do, or where I wanted to go, she was onboard. She passed away in May of 2003. Her experience has often made me wonder if it's even worth getting a mammogram since it didn't seem to help her. I question if they really work, yet I'm afraid not to get mine done. I guess I will continue to do so, until my insurance stops paying for it!!!

Tidbit Number Two: Today they had a blood drive at work. I have tried for the past two years to be a donor, but they say my veins are too small and they can't get the needle in. That makes me furious......I gave blood before when I was younger, and never had a problem. Do your veins get smaller as you get older??? They keep sending emails saying they are really low on blood and need donors, yet here I sit, with all this exceptional blood (after all it is my blood, almost like blue blood!) flowing through my veins, and nobody to give it to!!! Bummer.

Well, thus ends my medical blog and preaching. But one last time..........Remember to get your mammos and give blood if you are able!!!

Ciao, Baby!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Love the blogging and posts! Thanks!