Wednesday, June 27, 2007

True Confession

OK, I confess, these blogs are hard to keep up when you don't have a life!!!! I have done absolutely nothing the last two days but work, exercise, read everyone else's blogs, and go to bed!!!! I have no cute videos (like Rachel), no noteworthy quotes (like Bobby), no exciting news (like nobody), no painful memories (like Megan's workouts), and I already wrote about my exciting weekend (like Traci). I am more like Tim........I am blogless!!! I just finished watching the Paris Hilton interview on Larry King. I have to admit she didn't appear to be the airhead I thought she was. In fact, I only intended to watch a couple of minutes, but got drawn into the interview since she seemed on the up and up. My opinion, she didn't deserve the punishment. It was a bit drastic. I've heard of people who have committed much worse crimes and never done a day in jail. I'm really not so sure about our justice system. Am I glad we have one, yes. Do I think it is always fair, NO! So much happens in life that relies on personalities, instead of fact. That's right, I truly believe people stereotype other people and treat them accordingly, and, yes, I think it happens often throughout all walks of life. I've seen it so often in life......especially in the workplace........what you get depends on how well you are liked, and by who. But, I guess that is life, and we all learn to deal with it in our own way. See what happens when you don't have a become a philosopher.

Back to the Paris Hilton thing..........way too much tv coverage, and so many more important things happening in the world. It was unbelievable to me that the media thinks this is all people want to see, and no matter what channel you tune to, you see the same video loop over, and over, and over again. How many times can you see her walk out of jail??? That is one reason I was not going to watch her much more Paris can this world take! What's your opinion?

Ciao Baby!


Anonymous said...

Glad I caught you blogging tonight because I checked this expecting to see yesterdays. We'll see how long you can keep this up.

Linda said...

Not much longer, I'm sure. A blog really makes you realize what a boring life one has!!! Hmmmm, I'll have to find some hot topics, or else I can just keep spewing my own opinion!!! Yeah, I like that goes with my image....ME.....ME.....ME!

Megan said...

I disagree with you. She broke the law 3 times! And the first offense was driving drunk! All she did was cry about other not getting that much of a punishment. If she didn't BREAK THE LAW she wouldn't have gone to jail. Maybe our justice system system is screw up because we let people break the law 3 times and they get 10% of their sentence. **rant over*

Linda said...

I agree that she broke the law, I just think the punishment was somewhat harsh. Supposedly, the jails are my question is who would you rather have in jail, a person who drove on a suspended license, or a murderer? That's a no brainer to me. I say let the punishment fit the crime. However, as far as drinking and drive goes, I do believe you should be punished because you put everyone's life at risk, and she is fortunate she did not have an accident and kill someone!!! I just think jail time is a bit harsh!

Pink Taylor said...

when paris hilton gives her time or money that is when i will respect her, in a different way then the "dumb blonde"
luv you grandma