Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sunday, July 22, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007

Hi All,
Well these pics should get your attention, and they pretty well sum up my weekend!
This was a pretty boring weekend. Friday night John and I went to the Gourmet Room because I was in the mood for some mussels in garlic sauce.......uuuummmmmmmm good! It would have been worth the trip if I hadn't lost my butt gambling. I have been getting very frustrated with gambling, as I can't seem to hit a thing. Unfortunately for me, and fortunately for JR, he has been doing quite well. The problem with that is I can't get him to go home......which usually costs me MORE money! It would actually be cheaper to hire a cab to take me to Golden Valley.......yes, really! Hey, one thing I did do before we started gambling is that I went to the mall and bought a piece of luggage I've been wanting. One thing I have learned.....pay cash for everything I buy down there, because if you don't the machines will just get your money!!!
Other than that, I did watch an interesting 20/20 regarding heaven and hell. Now I know this probably isn't a subject I should bring up in my family but I will anyway, because it really got me to thinking. Is there a heaven? Is there a hell? I decided that, deep down, I honestly don't believe in hell, but that might be because I don't really have to think about it because I lead a pretty normal life. Now, heaven, I'm not so sure about. Sometimes I believe in heaven, sometimes I don't. I mean once we're dead, we're dead. Does your soul really go somewhere? If there is this big wonderful place called heaven, what do we look like when we get there? Do we revert back to the "best and healthiest" time in our life? Do we look the way we did the day we died? Hey, I need to know what the people I'm looking for will look like when I get there! Now, I'm not what you would call religious, but I certainly believe in God. I have prayed daily for just about my entire life. Do I believe I have to go to a specific place to do this....No. Do I need to attend church so someone can try and convince me there is a heaven and hell.....nope, I can make up my own mind. But then I ask myself, if I believe in heaven, then where do all the bad people go? I tell you this has opened up some deep thinking on my part. I think I would prefer to believe that once we die, our life is over, period. I mean, look around you, for some people this is hell on earth. Neglected, abused children, homeless people, victims of crime, etc. I mean, come on, don't you think this is hell for these people?
Is there an underbelly? Do we repent for our sins. I don't know......I think we just live life the best we can. Do we all make mistakes, sure. Do we have to repent......I don't think so. Now, I'm not talking about murderers, but then I don't think you can just ask for forgiveness for a heinous crime and say that you have found God and you are forgiven. That just shouldn't happen in my book!
There were people on the show that have had near death experiences.....another interesting subject. Now I don't want to find out if there are near death experiences, because I don't want to ever come that close to death! When I do die, if I get a choice, I will take that beautful white light that people say you see, where everything is peaceful, and your loved ones are beckoning.....that's the way I want to go, peacefully!
Until next time,
Ciao, Baby!
Sunday, July 8, 2007

Now, I must confess, I toppled over one of these glasses when we adjourned to watch music videos in the other room. Poor John, no more margarita for him!!! Sorry, but it WAS his glass. After cleaning up that mess (I'll probably never be invited back, I mean imagine knocking over a margarita that size, it was like a flowing river) we watched a great music video by the Bee Gees. Now the great thing that comes out of all this, is that Jerry is going to help John put together a surround sound package for us. I can hardly wait to start music video shopping, I can already think of zillions of artists I want to get. Jerry then served us a declicious dinner of BBQ'd rib eye steaks.....succulent!! We had an amazing ceasar salad, and bread to die for, and the most delicious rice dish I have had in a long while. I must say this meal is not for dieters, because the reason everything tastes so good (bread and rice) is because it is laddened with butter and oil!!!! Oh well, I am telling myself, "you've been really good for the past month," while my "other self" is saying, "yeah, wait until you get on the scale tomorrow and weigh three pounds more!!!" Luckily, my first self won out! We then took a walk outside to see Jerry's sail boat, which has never been sailed in Mohave County!!! For those of you who don't know, sailboats are not a big commodity here, it's power boats!! We keep trying to talk Jerry into taking it on the river!!! He is scared he will become a laughing stock just towing it there!!! Well, it was a bit warm outside (probably about 118), so we all lasted about 20 minutes, which is pretty darn good. They have the most gorgeous pool and patio, it's a shame it can't be used more in the summer!!! It's just too darn hot out here!!! When I suggested John take his bathing suit, he replied "I'm not going outside......it's too hot!" Hey, so it's a little warm, buck up! We all decided to go back inside and watch more videos. John and Jer watched some Ray Charles, whom I do like, but I kind of like the groups better. I finally talked them into putting on the Eagles, which was fantastic. They then served us chocolate brownies, vanilla ice cream, and strawberries, all covered in a chocolate wine syrup they had gotten at one of the wineries in Northern California. It was awesome. The fireworks started and we all trekked outside to watch; they were quite enjoyable; however, John and Jerry spent most of the time complaining about the neighbor's light and the heat!! We then adjourned to the backyard to see the view from there. It was great, and the guys swore it was cooler because there was a "breeze," which consisted of hot wind blowing across your face!!! I returned inside and watched form the window because I couldn't miss the grand finale, that's the best part. Jan then served us chocolate with port wine (this was new to us). You take a bite of dark chocolate and top it off with a sip of port wine. It, too, was delicious, but I could not fit one more thing in my poor stomach! Shortly after, we gathered up our belongings and headed for home. We arrived safe and sound about 11:00 p.m. So, thanks to Janet and Jerry for having us over!!! We had a great time, and you certainly are the hostesses with the mostestes (hah, figure those words out?) Until next time....
Ciao Baby!
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
OK, feeling a wee big guilty because we are doing absolutely nothing today. I think it stems from my upbringing. I mean, come on, we always did something on the fourth. I remember when we were little, my Mom's side of the family all met at Grandma Silva's house in Coronado. We watched the Coronado parade, went swimming in the Coronado Pool, came back and ate Grandma's chili beans (best I've ever eaten), and Uncle George bbq'd hamburgers and hots dogs. I don't think we stayed for the fireworks, but I could be wrong. As we grew older and had our own families, activities varied. Sometimes we went to the Coronado Parade, bbq'd with my Aunt Flo, some went swimming, and some went to the air show, and then stuck around for the fireworks. Other 4ths we went over Donna's for a bbq and swim. Her family usually went to the J Street fireworks in the evening. Sometimes we went to Maggie and Sig's (JR's mom and dad) for swimming and bbq'ing. Anyway, the point is, we always did something! I mulled over having a bbq for a couple of weeks, but deep down didn't really want to do anything as I have to work the next day. I thought about inviting Trav's family, Sig and Tammy, and a couple of our friends, but in the end was too lazy to do anything. John and I will bbq our steaks and watch a movie. We are celebrating the 4th on Saturday with our friends Jan and Jer at their house. We are all hoping we will be able to make it for the Avi fireworks, which start at 9:00 and can be viewed from their backyard. John, Mike, Sig, Tammy, and I went to the firewords in Laughlin on Saturday. They were pretty good, and the weather was great, believe it or not, it was not too hot to sit out and watch them this year. Of course that was last week, this week it is about 115 or 120 down there!!! After the fireworks we listened to a band (The Matrix) at the Aquarius. They were really good and we all had a great time. I guess I will count that as our 4th of July celebration, because it isn't going to get any better than that today. However, I have to admit, I like staying home and vegging out. It's just the guilt factor I have a hard time contending with. I did poll several people at work and they were doing the exact same thing.....NOTHING!! Nonetheless, deep down, I still think the 4th is a time for family and celebration; however, this year I will just live with the guilt and enjoy myself.
Did anybody do anything on the 4th????? If so, please share, and let me live vicariously through you!!
Ciao, Baby