Now, I must confess, I toppled over one of these glasses when we adjourned to watch music videos in the other room. Poor John, no more margarita for him!!! Sorry, but it WAS his glass. After cleaning up that mess (I'll probably never be invited back, I mean imagine knocking over a margarita that size, it was like a flowing river) we watched a great music video by the Bee Gees. Now the great thing that comes out of all this, is that Jerry is going to help John put together a surround sound package for us. I can hardly wait to start music video shopping, I can already think of zillions of artists I want to get. Jerry then served us a declicious dinner of BBQ'd rib eye steaks.....succulent!! We had an amazing ceasar salad, and bread to die for, and the most delicious rice dish I have had in a long while. I must say this meal is not for dieters, because the reason everything tastes so good (bread and rice) is because it is laddened with butter and oil!!!! Oh well, I am telling myself, "you've been really good for the past month," while my "other self" is saying, "yeah, wait until you get on the scale tomorrow and weigh three pounds more!!!" Luckily, my first self won out! We then took a walk outside to see Jerry's sail boat, which has never been sailed in Mohave County!!! For those of you who don't know, sailboats are not a big commodity here, it's power boats!! We keep trying to talk Jerry into taking it on the river!!! He is scared he will become a laughing stock just towing it there!!! Well, it was a bit warm outside (probably about 118), so we all lasted about 20 minutes, which is pretty darn good. They have the most gorgeous pool and patio, it's a shame it can't be used more in the summer!!! It's just too darn hot out here!!! When I suggested John take his bathing suit, he replied "I'm not going outside......it's too hot!" Hey, so it's a little warm, buck up! We all decided to go back inside and watch more videos. John and Jer watched some Ray Charles, whom I do like, but I kind of like the groups better. I finally talked them into putting on the Eagles, which was fantastic. They then served us chocolate brownies, vanilla ice cream, and strawberries, all covered in a chocolate wine syrup they had gotten at one of the wineries in Northern California. It was awesome. The fireworks started and we all trekked outside to watch; they were quite enjoyable; however, John and Jerry spent most of the time complaining about the neighbor's light and the heat!! We then adjourned to the backyard to see the view from there. It was great, and the guys swore it was cooler because there was a "breeze," which consisted of hot wind blowing across your face!!! I returned inside and watched form the window because I couldn't miss the grand finale, that's the best part. Jan then served us chocolate with port wine (this was new to us). You take a bite of dark chocolate and top it off with a sip of port wine. It, too, was delicious, but I could not fit one more thing in my poor stomach! Shortly after, we gathered up our belongings and headed for home. We arrived safe and sound about 11:00 p.m. So, thanks to Janet and Jerry for having us over!!! We had a great time, and you certainly are the hostesses with the mostestes (hah, figure those words out?) Until next time....
Ciao Baby!
Nice blog, don't you have a son? I don't see him? Blog you later-That son of yours:)
I have the most wonderful son in the whole wide world!!!! Sorry, the grandkid's pics win out, they're cuter!
Love ya!
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