Hi All,
Well these pics should get your attention, and they pretty well sum up my weekend!
This was a pretty boring weekend. Friday night John and I went to the Gourmet Room because I was in the mood for some mussels in garlic sauce.......uuuummmmmmmm good! It would have been worth the trip if I hadn't lost my butt gambling. I have been getting very frustrated with gambling, as I can't seem to hit a thing. Unfortunately for me, and fortunately for JR, he has been doing quite well. The problem with that is I can't get him to go home......which usually costs me MORE money! It would actually be cheaper to hire a cab to take me to Golden Valley.......yes, really! Hey, one thing I did do before we started gambling is that I went to the mall and bought a piece of luggage I've been wanting. One thing I have learned.....pay cash for everything I buy down there, because if you don't the machines will just get your money!!!
Other than that, I did watch an interesting 20/20 regarding heaven and hell. Now I know this probably isn't a subject I should bring up in my family but I will anyway, because it really got me to thinking. Is there a heaven? Is there a hell? I decided that, deep down, I honestly don't believe in hell, but that might be because I don't really have to think about it because I lead a pretty normal life. Now, heaven, I'm not so sure about. Sometimes I believe in heaven, sometimes I don't. I mean once we're dead, we're dead. Does your soul really go somewhere? If there is this big wonderful place called heaven, what do we look like when we get there? Do we revert back to the "best and healthiest" time in our life? Do we look the way we did the day we died? Hey, I need to know what the people I'm looking for will look like when I get there! Now, I'm not what you would call religious, but I certainly believe in God. I have prayed daily for just about my entire life. Do I believe I have to go to a specific place to do this....No. Do I need to attend church so someone can try and convince me there is a heaven and hell.....nope, I can make up my own mind. But then I ask myself, if I believe in heaven, then where do all the bad people go? I tell you this has opened up some deep thinking on my part. I think I would prefer to believe that once we die, our life is over, period. I mean, look around you, for some people this is hell on earth. Neglected, abused children, homeless people, victims of crime, etc. I mean, come on, don't you think this is hell for these people?
Is there an underbelly? Do we repent for our sins. I don't know......I think we just live life the best we can. Do we all make mistakes, sure. Do we have to repent......I don't think so. Now, I'm not talking about murderers, but then I don't think you can just ask for forgiveness for a heinous crime and say that you have found God and you are forgiven. That just shouldn't happen in my book!
There were people on the show that have had near death experiences.....another interesting subject. Now I don't want to find out if there are near death experiences, because I don't want to ever come that close to death! When I do die, if I get a choice, I will take that beautful white light that people say you see, where everything is peaceful, and your loved ones are beckoning.....that's the way I want to go, peacefully!
Until next time,
Ciao, Baby!
Thanks for sharing your deep thoughts! I like being able to keep up on you and your life like this!
Let's get this straight once and for all. When you die your spirit goes to heaven and lives on. It doesn't matter what you look like in heaven, lucky for you, you won't have to waste time doing your hair and make-up. You had part of that right, I think we're in hell, then we die and go to heaven. Bobby and Megan, don't correct me, this is what I believe.
Thanks for everyone's input. As you can see the "Zachary Girls" always have an opinion!
I think you missed the point to part of the story? Family stop reading if you belive. The church wants you to belive in heaven. They have no proof of heaven so they tell you about hell to deter you from questioning them. Makes sense right? Your next question is how do I go to heaven and not hell? Heres where they hook and sell you. Their answer: Go to church, repeatedly. Churchs are rich and tax free selling ETERNAL salvation, and who's going to stop it? Wise up , C-ya in hell.
Just a thought...if we assume for a moment that there is a heaven and hell, the better question might be what Early there brought up. What are the qualifications to be there? How good is good enough? How bad is too bad?
Interestingly enough, the answer of The Church has absolutely nothing to do with going to church. Sorry Trav. ;) Regardless, it's a good and interesting question to ponder.
And the other is this...if there is nothing after this, what is the point of this life? Why bother?
Good thoughts Linda. good discussion. Questions to ponder. Let me know what y'all come back with. And why.
And how did I not find this post till now? I could have sworn you were in my Bloglines. I guess not. I just thought you never posted.
Yeah, interesting subject, as I'm sure you know. Wondered why I hadn't gotten a response from you. Good questsion about the point of this life. Maybe there isn't one, maybe it is only to exist. I don't know. I guess we all answer to ourselves what qualifies as good and what qualifies as bad. But then, only normal people can do that. You can go round and round on this one, but one thing I do know....I'm going to heaven if there is one, and I think everyone I know who has died is also there.
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