WHEW!OK, here I am, still trying to adjust from my vacation, which was a week ago. I'm barely getting back into my routine.....which means I had my lemon drop last night......have to start the weekend out right!
Let's see if I can take a fast trip through the last two weeks. Below is a small birthday group at work. As you can see, we have a very short staff on Fridays. But, hey, we still know how to party. The cake, made by Little Carol (bet you can guess which one she is by the nickname) was delicious!!! It had so many things in and on it, it must have taken her hours to make! This started my vacation off with just the right kick!

Saturday we were on our way to Lawrence Welk Resort. Arrived about three o'clock, had a little happy hour, and then went to a wonderful dinner at Pechanga Resort and Casino! Shrimp Scampi for me! Gained a couple of pounds, lost a couple of bucks , and headed back to the condo. Sunday, a small group came over to help me celebrate my "real" birthday. Yep, Sunday was the real day (sorry for the confusion Bobby and Megan, who, by the way, don't seem to be privy to that info. Small suggestion.......mark your calendars!!!) We took this great self-timer group shot. Boo Hoo......no Trav, Traci, Zach, Bobby, Rachel, Caleb, or Desiree! JR made us a delicious spaghetti dinner, with a succulent (hey, I'm running out of adjectives) antipasto salad. Can a salad be succulent??? Probaby not.

We finished off that superb spaghetti dinner with a decadent chocolate cake, compliments of the Bradys, and some low-calorie, mid-calorie, and major calorie cupcakes made by my beautiful granddaughter Taylor. She explained that they were frosted accordingly.......low-cal, no frosting; mid-cal, outer edge frosting; and major cal, completely frosted. Well, it's not hard to guess which I opted for......hey, it's my birthday, it's my birthday.....I know, you're all pretty sick of that little diddy!
Don't I look happy??? I couldn't have asked for a better birthday!
We continued our week at Lawrence Welk with a trip to the wineries. We decided it would be more fun if we liked wine, but hey as you can see from the pics below, we made the best of it!

Donna and Taylor thought they would orchestrate a shot.......but, hey, let's face it......they had a darn good potographer!

Taylor found the cheery little wine maker, and, as you see below, Donna and I found the bar!!

Cindy, from work, told me about this fabulous winery (Wilson Winery) where they put your taste of champagne in dark chocolate EDIBLE cups. Naturally, this was a must for Donna and I, who happen to be chocoholics. Believe me, it did not disappoint. And, for Taylor, they filled her cup with sparkling cider! Not so good for the diet, since we indulged in two of these tastes!
Wednesday, it was off to the races. OK, didn't make much money there, but had a great time! Thursday, Donna and I visited the mall and did a little power shopping. Friday to the movies to see Bourne Ultimatum, and then over to the the Indian Casino (Pala) where I actually made a few bucks for a change!
Saturday we left for home, and would have gotten there at a decent hour if we hadn't decided to meet our friends, Janet and Jerry, at Happy Hour (yes, it should be capitalized, it's important!). Then from Happy Hour, where, by the way, I got turned onto a new drink......they call it a Cherry Martini, but what it is, is cherry flavored rum with a splash of grenadine. I will be on a new quest for these ingredients soon, it was off to dinner, a little gambling, and home at ten!!!
Now, this Friday, my three good friends from work and I had our annual birthday party celebration. Cindy and Carol prepare a special feast for Barb and I. As you can see below we had a great time. We have done this for about four years now, and it is a good time with great friends and luscious food. Cindy made us a wonderful chicken enchilada casserole, and taco salads. Carol topped it off with my favorite dessert............brownies, ice cream and hot fudge. A good time was had by all!

Cindy had set this gorgeous table for us!

The girls were having a fit while I was trying to get this picture...........THEY WERE HUNGRY...ESPECIALLY LITTLE CAROL!

Is this to die for, or what??? What a creation, and we each get to create our own!!!
So, as you can see, life is grand. This weekend is R&R, and catching up!!! Hey, good for me! I FINALLY GOT A LIFE, AND IT'S FUN!! Until later...
Ciao, Baby!